In September of 2014, I set off from Penzance, with the intention of walking to Lynmouth, where I used to live, around the coast path. I ended up walking to Watchet.
I returned later to walk some more and will continue to do so.
I had recently lost two good friends, one to cancer and one in a motorcycle accident.
“One day……..”
We all have our “one days…”. Linda’s was to walk the Appalachian trail. Nige wanted to walk around the Welsh coast.
My one day, since I was a kid and went to Cornwall for the first time was to walk the north Cornish coast. After living in Lynmouth back in the 90’s I tagged the Devon coast onto the end of that walk.
Most people, like Linda and Nige, don’t get a chance to make that one day a reality. In a way I’m lucky, I got laid off and my landlords were complete arseholes, which was an encouragement to change my surroundings.
Life is short and we never know when our time is up, take a chance and do something you have always wanted to, you may not get another opportunity.
Poole to Pembroke in numbers:
1021 miles.
79 days.
Or just under 13 miles a day.
An average of about 1mph during the hours of day light.…
129947 feet up, or 24.61 miles, or just under four and a half times the height of Everest.
51 portions of fish and chips, because they taste better by the sea.
3 nights in hotels, 4 nights sofa surfing, 7 nights sleeping in the car and the rest were in the tent.